Month: August 2019

Trauma and Your Relationship: Connecting, Healing and Loving.

Is my relationship doomed? Why are relationships so difficult Why does this keep happening? What Actually Works? Find a Good Theapist A Hope for the Future Trauma and Your Relationship: Connecting, Healing and Loving. *Please note that TrueHope Psychology does not offer couples counselling. We do, however, help individuals improve the quality of all their relationships. Jessica* can’t sleep. She lies awake at night staring at the walls, a thousand thoughts rushing through her head. Work is good, but stressful. She does remarkably well for someone living on four hours sleep. But it’s not her job that keeps her awake.“Why did I do that?” The thoughts tumble around and around in her head. She has been in a relationship with Michael for six months and it is going really well. He is patient, kind and good at his job. He’s a world apart from her ex. He doesn’t hit her, ....

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